2-2 The Box
Wednesday, April 18th, 2007Craig writes: Welcome to chapter 2! Before we get into the commentary, I wanted to make a minor announcement about our schedule. Originally I had predicted that we would be resuming the comic in July, based on the number of pages remaining. I think my math was off — we still have two chapters to go, and it’s already April. The plan is to continue posting at our current schedule, about two pages a week, until we catch up to where we left off last year. After that we’ll start posting new comics.
During our hiatus, J.D. has been hard at work on her novel, “The Vanished Planet.” I’ve been working on the master plotline for Penance and practicing my drawing. Our hope is that when we resume posting new content, the quality of the comic will be better than when we stopped.
In any event, on with the commentary!
– Commentary –
J.D.: Every page would be eight panels long if they were as easy to do as panels 2, 3, and 4.
Craig: My one regret about this page was that I didn’t make it clear that Ignatius is the same white-haired creepy old man that sneaked into Leon’s room on page 1-21. I intended for the manacle on his wrist in panels 1 and 6 to give it away, but I think they got lost in the sleeve of his suit jacket.
J.D.: Or, more accurately, the sleeve of Leon’s jacket.
Craig: Yep, I drew it hanging in Leon’s closet back on page 1-22.  Now it belongs to Ignatius.
J.D.: I feel so bad for Marcus. He doesn’t want to obey Ignatius, but his body betrays him.
Craig: I like the body language of the characters in panel 7. Lillith seems —
J.D.: Concerned but composed?
Craig: Right, and the apartment manager is avoiding her gaze.
J.D.: I like how the two men on the right are raiding Lillith’s refrigerator.
Craig: They’re obviously regulars.
J.D.: In her refrigerator or at her house?
Craig: Yes.
April 18th, 2007 at 6:58 am
It’s certainly good to know that Ignatius is that white-haired creep!
He looks older and much more dignified in his clothed form (although he’s still a creep).
I thought that Leon accidently set him free after Leon fell while trying to cut the cable. Was he free all the time?
I enjoy very much the second exposure to Penance. The commentary often reveals things I didn’t know, or just didn’t notice.
April 18th, 2007 at 10:59 am
This page raised several questions to me when I saw it first time. Who bled into Marcus “box”? It seems that Leon is the answer. In 1-11 he is trying if his connection works using that “box” as table. But question about what Ignatius is is still unanswered. Third party? Maintainer+Lilith vs Igantius+Marcus vs Rex Caligo. And Lucky and Leon into middle of that all.
Returning back made me wonder what was that hand in last panel of 1-11? Rex Caligo? Someone we haven’t seen yet? Ignatius (not likely)?
April 19th, 2007 at 10:52 am
I hadn’t actually realized that the last panel here takes place in Lilith’s house (apartment?). Since there were random un-identified people in the background selecting food, I assumed it was some cafe or something. 😛