2-6 ? Key
Friday, May 4th, 2007– Commentary –
Craig: Oh, I love this one!
J.D.: Ah, Tim’s eyes. One of our rare glimpses.
Craig: Tim’s a little unusual in that his eyes are a different shade than his hair. I’ve noticed you usually match them.
J.D.: Well, even if they’re a different color — like Lucky’s hair is obviously blonde, and her eyes are blue — they’re still about the same shade. But Tim has very pale eyes, which contrast his dark hair beautifully. Sadly, he usually wears goggles so we don’t often get to see them.
Craig: I love seeing how laden-down Ranger is when given his starting equipment. It’s funny that in Angband there are far more equipment slots than one could actually carry all at once. One hand for the sword, one hand for the shield, one hand for the lantern, two hands for the bow…
J.D.: How many hands is that? Six? Good thing he gets a backpack too.
Craig: Tim’s question in panel 5 tells you a lot.
J.D.: It tells you a lot about Tim that Lillith trusts him enough to give him the bar and let him act as the help file in her absence.
Craig: Tim’s obviously been around for a while and has a history with Lillith.
J.D.: Well, he did try to summon her to be his wife, as they mentioned on the previous page.
Craig: Looks like they worked things out.
J.D.: Or the Maintainer worked things out for them…
May 21st, 2007 at 3:22 pm
Are those rose petals that Lilith is leaving in her wake? Or little lovey-dovey hearts? Is there a love-struck halfling standing just under our field of vision, gazing lovingly afar at our barkeep as she walks out of the bar? 🙂
May 21st, 2007 at 10:35 pm
Becka: Well, the love-struck halfling is certainly a possibility — Tim did try and get Lillith to marry him once. 🙂 But no, those are cherry blossoms Lillith has left in her wake. You’ll see some more on page 2-8 when Lillith arrives to talk to the Maintainer.
May 23rd, 2007 at 7:12 pm
I love it!.