Special Announcement
Saturday, May 10th, 2008As some of you may know, J.D. and I are expecting our first child in the beginning of June. We’re very excited, and looking forward to this new addition to our life!
With Baby’s arrival coming closer, it’s become more and more difficult to keep to our weekly schedule of Penance, especially for J.D., who is suffering from increasing levels of exhaustion.
So we wanted to let everyone know that we’re going to be posting a bit less frequently for a while. We’re not going on hiatus, and we’ll be continuing to create and post Penance, but we won’t be posting every Friday. We’re hoping to move to a 2-3 page per month schedule, but we’ll see what happens. Sometime after Baby is born, we hope to return to our normal weekly schedule.
Thank you all for visiting and commenting on Penance with each new page. It’s a pleasure to create the comic for you, and we hope you’ll stick with us during this period of change in our lives.
May 10th, 2008 at 1:52 pm
Mazal tov!
May 10th, 2008 at 4:55 pm
J.D. you are officially ordered not to stress yourself after the baby’s born, either! We can wait a little longer for pages while you figure out your “new normal”. 🙂
God bless you all, and thanks for the great story!
May 10th, 2008 at 8:29 pm
I’ve got two kids and especially the second was a very difficult pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. I pray that all goes well and you are blessed with a lovely child.
Yet your priorities will be placed there and, remembering well the days and nights, having regular and colicky babies, and the sheer levels of exhaustion, even if you guys get one page a month (or less) done, that will be a lot and well-appreciated. Love each other, love your child, and we’ll be okay. And don’t go overboard in timing contractions. I really pissed off my wife by doing that with the first.
May 11th, 2008 at 4:29 am
Be prepared that this “some time after Baby is born” will be next 18 years…unless you manage to get him/her to move to his/hers own apartment before that :-). Seriously, raising children pretty much kills all free time for next few years. Don’t expect it to get any easier, it wont. But it can be rewarding and fun too.
May 11th, 2008 at 2:28 pm
Happy Mother’s Day, J.D.! Hope the little one is kind to you today and lets you rest a bit. 😉 (I’ve had a day of jumping rope with some of them, cutting up pancakes for others… oh, and digging something out of the puppy’s mouth that was making him gag. When you have young children, every day is “Mother’s Day”!)
May 14th, 2008 at 1:02 pm
Congratulations, blessings all round, and take good care of yourselves, both of you. Keeping your stress levels low will be more important than worrying too much about a regular schedule for Penance.
We’ll see how things are once the new addition arrives. 😉
May 15th, 2008 at 1:31 pm
Well congratulations are in order I think. I hope everything goes well and smoothly for you both.