1-19 – Inside the Network
Wednesday, March 21st, 2007Craig: I love Cronk.
J.D.: His player must so know he’s getting shafted.
Craig: I don’t know. What makes Cronk fun is you don’t know whether he’s actually that naive or if he’s just good at role-playing.
J.D.: You have a point.
Craig: What’s just great is that any half-troll warrior who equips a whip will get three attacks per round. Leon is —
J.D.: — taking him for a ride?
Craig: Well put.
J.D.: And again — in panel 3 — Lucky dresses like she has no curves. Lucky seems like she has very little confidence in her own attractiveness. So she tries to hide it.
Craig: The Maintainer on the other hand has lots of self-confidence. Lucky tells him his game sucks and he’s not fazed in the least.
J.D.: When we first put this page up, a lot of people thought the landlord (the man in panel six) —
Craig: — first seen on panel 4 of page 1-6 —
J.D.: — was a woman.
Craig: It’s understandable, ’cause he has long hair and that hoop earring. But no, he’s a guy. I need to get better at drawing people so there’s less confusion about gender.
J.D.: Well, to your credit the landlord is designed to look bishonen.
March 22nd, 2007 at 12:14 am
Here I could tell the landlord was a guy, back on page 6 however I thought he was a woman.
March 22nd, 2007 at 3:23 am
With the notable exception of Lucky’s Magical Breasts of Varying Existence (:p) I’ve had no problem identifying gender in characters such as the landlord.
March 22nd, 2007 at 4:30 am
hmm I did it the other way round… I could identify the page 1-6 person as a guy but thought this one was a woman 😉
March 22nd, 2007 at 10:02 am
Whips are underrated. What’s the damage on a sword? 1d10? Let’s say that averages out to 5 per hit. A whip will give you 1d3 (per the above), so that averages out to 2.
1 attack with the sword is between 1 and 10 averaging to 5.
3 attacks with the whip is between 3 and 9 averaging to 6.
The whip gives up 1 on the max end but gains 2 on the min end and averages 1 more, too. Plus, the chance of missing with all three hits is lower than the chance of missing with one hit. I’ll take 3d3 over 1d10.
March 22nd, 2007 at 12:40 pm
Average of 1d10 is 5.5 per hit. So with two hits per round, that’s 11.
March 22nd, 2007 at 5:00 pm
If it’s the same sword that warriors start with than it is 2d5, which would make the average damage 6 per round. It could go up to 12 per round if he gets two attacks with it, which is not that rare for half-troll warriors starting out.
March 23rd, 2007 at 5:09 am
Ok, well I’m not super familiar with the weapon rules of rogulikes, but also consider that at least in dnd whips don’t get str mod to damage(unless its a mighty whip) while swords do(especially if it’s a 2handed sword. :p) so, 3d3 or d10+str.
March 23rd, 2007 at 7:24 am
The weapon damage isn’t really what makes whips so great for high-strength characters. Your strength bonus is applied to *each hit* with the whip, so if you have a strength bonus of +4, that’s +12 damage if you hit all three times. With the sword, your strength bonus only gets applied once — maybe twice.