New Commentary
Wednesday, June 18th, 2008We’ve added commentary for page 3-30 “The Very Image.” Please enjoy.
Thank you all for your well-wishes and your patience! Having a baby around the house is a lot more work than I anticipated. My pre-baby estimate of 2-3 pages a month seems laughable now. But rest assured we’re still working (slowly) on Penance, and the next page will be up before too long.
June 19th, 2008 at 2:24 pm
It’s rough when they are little, but then later it’s real nice to remember the good times. Each new baby is so individual; you will never have the same experience twice.
Share the songs you love. as well as stories and so on. You might not get an immediate response, but from my own experience, my daughter, after she started talking and singing, one day started singing a song that I sang to her while she was still “in the tummy.” They take in everything. The more you give, the more they get. It’s amazing. And it will stick with them for the rest of their lives.
If you share your love and God’s love with them, they will never be truly lonely, afraid that they are forsaken, and so on. Loving them in a meaningful way from the start can actually shape the way they live and love as adults, and suddenly you realize that you are giving a living, powerful gift that keeps on going for generations after you are no more. Ancestors that I barely knew still have a significant impact on my life today, forty years after their passing.
Being a parent is a gift that starts in time and extends to eternity. It is a sobering, joyful vocation. I wish you well.
June 19th, 2008 at 6:18 pm
Hee, hee. I told you so ;-).
But I’m with same line with Charles. Except for the God-part. I’m atheist and for me “sharing Gods love” is like saying “sharing Santa Claus love”. It feels stupid for me to tech youngsters fairytales as truth. Believe me religion is not needed for developing good morale and good life. Actually quite opposite. As long as you teach them that their doings have consequences (even if that consequence is not direct one) and tell them to think before acting they build up morale just fine.
And before someone feels compelled to turn this to flame war, I’m not interested and will not respond.
June 20th, 2008 at 1:10 am
My wife and I just had our first child exactly one month ago and I just thought I’d say that I always consider your comics a treat but now I will also consider them an incredible feat! I look forward to seeing if the comic will have any kind of visible change because of the addition of the baby into your lives.
June 20th, 2008 at 4:34 pm
No flame war, but I will say that without God’s love in my life I wouldn’t be here today. 🙂 I’m all for sharing it with the wee ones. 🙂
You know, with your first baby you suddenly feel overwhelmed and like there’s not time enough for everything. With the second one and any after that, you wonder why you felt so busy with just one. 😉
June 20th, 2008 at 10:56 pm
Now why would anyone want a flame war? It will all get sorted out, one way or another. Luckily, I’m not in charge of that 🙂
Just ’cause I’m a pastor doesn’t mean that I’m a stereotype. Had it not been for God, I would be dead, feed the tree kind. But I am who I am. If folks are interested, OK. If not, I can still have a beer with them.
June 21st, 2008 at 4:24 am
That’s the right way of thinking, Charles :-). Beers on me if we meet someday.
July 14th, 2008 at 3:16 am
Any updates? Funny happenings with your kid?
July 15th, 2008 at 10:53 am
Hi Timo!
Nothing new for Penance yet. It’s slow going right now. Time and energy are in very short supply. 🙁
Lots of funny happenings with Baby. Here’s one: She’s been trying to get her hands to her mouth, with mixed success. Lately she gets frustrated and so keeps flailing her little fists at her mouth harder and harder. Last night she actually punched herself in the face! She now has a little shiner right on her eye. I plan to tell people that she got into a fight with another baby. 😉
July 17th, 2008 at 10:32 am
I can just see the dialog:
*Gasp!* What happened to her eye?!?!
*nonchalantly* “Oh, she just got into a fight with another baby.”
*shocked* “That’s just terrible! Is she ok?”
*proudly* “Ah she’ll be fine. You should see the other baby!!!”
Hahaha, THAT would be an interesting exchange now wouldn’t it?
Craig & J.D.: I’m glad you hear that both of you and your daughter are all still well. I know I want to see what will happen next in the story, but I can definitely wait patiently. Caring for your new daughter and making sure everyone stays healthy is definitely what is most important. 🙂 I don’t think you guys really needed me to tell you that though…
August 18th, 2008 at 11:05 am
Any news? It has been over a month since last update.
August 19th, 2008 at 2:36 pm
Yeah… any good poop stories? 😉
August 19th, 2008 at 10:14 pm
nerdpride, Timo, Andi: thanks for your comments. It’s been a month since last I posted? Wow. Between GenCon, Baby, and other commitments I’d completely lost track of time.
I’ve got a couple panels left to do on the next page before I hand it over to J.D., so I’m afraid I’ve been the bottleneck here.
Andi: a poop story, eh? Here’s one: J.D. was bathing Baby in the tub. When J.D. pulled her out of the water, Baby fired an explosive present right on Jenn’s denim skirt! It took four trips through the washing machine to get the stain out. Lesson learned. 🙂
August 20th, 2008 at 12:22 pm
Yah… that stuff is powerful! And it’s amazing how far they can shoot it! Though our best story wasn’t about shooting, but instead involved an activity center (exersaucer thing) and a major blow out complete with toe squishing and carrying the baby upstairs in a plastic grocery bag. 🙂
August 21st, 2008 at 9:59 am
I had to cut my daughter out of her babygrow once – there was no way that was going over her head after what she had done…
My son was the record ‘shooter’ though, he could launch if right off the change mat and into my lap. Funny how he never did it to my wife.
Hello by the way. Sorry, got carried away with the poop stories and missed the pleasantries altogether.
August 24th, 2008 at 9:34 pm
Oh man,
My girl had a projectile thing going on with both, but especially Number One. We had to place trash bags strategically near the changing table.
By contrast, my boy snagged himself once in the eye with Number One and never sprayed again while on the changing table. Call it role reversal.
But the worst is the blowout in the car seat. Good thing the covers come off and can be washed. Very good.
And teething – need I say more?
It’s amazing what they will like and learn, though. By about thirty months my daughter had developed a strong affinity for Handel and Bach, specifically the Messiah and the B-Minor Mass. Good stuff.